Overcoming Sales Cold Call Reluctance in Real Estate

Overcoming Call Reluctance in Real Estate Sales

Are you having difficulties overcoming call reluctance in real estate? The good news is that you are not alone! Most real estate agents that get into the business don’t realize a couple things:

  1. Real Estate is a Business and you need to learn how to run one.
  2. Real Estate is a SALES job and to grow your business you need to find and create leads
Overcoming Sales Call Reluctance is a conditioned trait!

Overcoming Sales Call Reluctance is a conditioned trait!

On the surface this all sounds fine and good, until you have to make your first few sales calls. You think to yourself, “I’m going to be amazing at this, I’m on the phone all day anyway. What’s so hard about making sales calls to potential clients?” Then they get their list ready, which is your cell phone database to begin with…and then….it starts.
The sweats, the doubt, the fear and that phone and that list become every sales agent’s worst nightmare. You just got a case of sales call reluctance – the good news is that you can overcome it.

So what is Sales Call Reluctance in real estate?

In its simplest form, sales cold call reluctance is a fear of rejection. We all have it; we all want to be liked. So when we call people to talk about business or to ask for a referral there are several limiting beliefs that all sales people get:

  • I personally hate getting sales calls so I will be bothering others.
  • What if they hang up on me?
  • What if they yell at me?
  • What if they are rude?
  • What if they laugh at me?
  • What if I stutter and sound like a tool?
  • No one answers their phones anyway; this is a waste of time.

Regardless of the fear, there are some very simple tips to overcoming sales call reluctance! You can become a sales master in a very short time!

Top 5 tips to overcome sales call reluctance in real estate.

  1. Have a purpose before your call – know why you are calling every time before you dial.
  2. Have a script – scripts are a game plan, in football the offense calls a play before every snap of the ball – it’s their script and then they react to what the defense provides them, but they always start out with a script – get over it and start using them.
  3. Come From Contribution! People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. They who give the most value and care the most get the sale.
  4. Realize that sales calls are a numbers game – and that hall of fame baseball players strike out 7 out of 10 times at bat and still make millions a year. Same thing – you can’t help every call, but every call gets you closer to a yes.
  5. Time On Task Over Time – You will get better and more confident over time. Accept the fact that you are nervous. So what! The more calls you make the better you will get and your conversions will get and your account will grow.
You are now a Sales Cold Calling Master! Congratulations!

You are now a Sales Cold Calling Master! Congratulations!

So do yourself and your family a favor and start overcoming sales call reluctance in real estate by implementing these tips immediately. One of the best things you can do is contact us now and get into coaching. Next thing you know you could be writing a blog about how you overcame call reluctance too!